Don’t manage your time but your energy. Peter Tuybens is in complete agreement. Energy is inexhaustible if you take the motives into account of your people.
Peter Tuybens is director of Talent Development at Acerta Consult: “I am convinced that the companies which are investing in human capital in the future will make the difference,. In a world where the products and services on offer are increasingly similar, people will, more than ever, be the decisive factor for partnerships. That is the essence, and the consequence is that good and successful organisations will want even more their people to be at their best.  I often say by way of boltade to entrepreneurs that machinery maintenance should be copied to human capital maintenance”


Tuybens immediately makes the link from his world of experience to ETION’s inspiration note: “Everyone has certain sources that continue to deliver energy. People who have a need for variety,  will get more energy out of his job, when variety is a key competence of it.  Yet that is not as easy as it seems. You have to understand the motives of individuals as well as competences who are asked for a position. We need to look up and determine the match in function of each role in a company. Sometimes that is very subtle. For example, the person who likes variety also has the opposite, such as the need for focus. Maybe he does that very well too, in his urge to be loyal and work hard, but probably the cost of energy is high..”

“map the drives of your people.”

Tuybens therefore advises companies to probe on a regular basis to the motivations of their people. “Map out what your
employees cost energy and what gives them energy. Open a dialogue with your employees and search for solutions adapted
to the individual. That is the start of a successful approach”.


Where a good match between people’s talents and what is expected of them as an output, is missing,
problems arise, Tuybens knows: ” It is then that pressure comes to bear on people. Those who are selfsufficient
able and willing to work autonomously, ongoing supervision by managers is difficult for them.
That is why you have to dare to question it. What can I do as a leader to allow you to do your job successfully? Leaders often do not dare to ask that question.
“The top three of needs: First and foremost, people want appreciation for what they do. In addition, people are asking for transparency from hierarchy.
And finally, openness in the dialogue.”

“We see in research that CEOs are increasingly expressing the will to invest more in dialogues.
Well, only when you know what drives people, you can realise a good match: right person on the right spot.”